The Ron Brown College Preparatory High School is an all male, college preparatory high school located in Washington, DC. The school places a high priority on getting their students ready for college. With this focus in mind, the school is currently being renovated in two phases. The project consists of demolition and extensive renovations to the academic and multipurpose wings. Phase 1 of the project has a planned opening for August 2016 which includes classrooms, offices, a cafeteria and a library/media center. Phase 2 will open in July 2017 and will consist of more classrooms and office space, as well as an auditorium and gymnasium.
For the library/media center renovation project, BCI Modern Library Furniture is supplying shelving. The products chosen are:
Double-Faced Opal Shelving and Single-Faced Opal Shelving/Wall Shelving
With over 35 color choices, Opal Shelving has its own uncommon engineered style and provides a stylish look to any library setting. (Pictured below is a stock photo)
BCI Dealer: Diversified Educational Systems – DES –
AIA Firm: Perkins Eastman –
Opal Shelving by BCI
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