Coming Soon to UT Dallas!

The University of Texas at Dallas was founded by Cecil Green, J. Erik Jonsson and Eugene McDermott in 1969. The three founders original business started out as Geophysical Services, Inc. (GSI) which provided assistance in the search for natural resources. During World War II, the company’s concentration turned to help create instruments to aid in finding enemy planes and submarines. Out of GSI, in 1958 Texas Instruments Inc. began with the invention of the integrated circuit. The need for engineers grew and the founders were compelled to search outside the state. Having realized this deficiency, they set up the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, which was subsequently renamed the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies (SCAS). In 1969, the assets of SCAS were given to the State of Texas and a billed signed by then Governor Preston Smith created The University of Texas at Dallas. Completed in 1975, the Eugene McDermott Library boasts more than 1.4 million volumes, databases, articles, journals, eMovies, eBooks and audiobooks. There is also a Special Collections Department which includes rare books. Recently the Eugene McDermott Library was renovated and selected BCI Modern Library Furniture to provide the shelving. This furniture was bought using The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) Contract.
Project: University of Texas at Dallas
Location: Dallas, TX
Products: Slimline Radius Shelving System
Dealer: Contrax Furnishings –
To read more about the Eugene McDermott Library renovation, click here
To read more about TCPN, click here
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